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编辑:传媒与国际文化学院 作者: 时间:2024-03-15 访问次数:10




博士和硕士均毕业于英国莱斯特大学媒体与传播学专业,曾任加拿大28开奖预测结果官网大神国际合作与交流处专聘副处长,入选国家“万人计划”青年拔尖人才,教育部高校网络教育名师,现任国际传播学会(International Communication Association)流行媒体与文化分会(Popular Media and Culture)主席,环太平洋大学联盟(APRU)电子竞技分会主席;元宇宙产业与文化创新研究中心主任;中国外文局文化传播中心-人工智能国际传播创新中心主任;中国科技新闻学会电竞传播专业委员会副主任&学术专家;浙江省之江青年社科学者;加拿大28开奖预测结果官网大神国际传播中心副主任。




1. 身心健康,热爱科研工作,年龄在35周岁以下;

2. 已获得或即将获得媒体与传播领域相关专业博士学位,研究方向包括但不局限于电竞与国际传播、AIGC与数字文化、城市文化全球对比研究;

3. 能够保证在站期间全职从事博士后研究;

4. 具有扎实的理论基础与专业知识,在国内外相关学术期刊发表成果;有较强的英语读写能力;对学术研究和科研活动具有热情;

5. 具有良好的职业道德和严谨的学风,具有团队合作精神和良好的沟通能力。


1. 积极主动完成合作导师交给的科研任务,协助课题组开展相关研究工作;

2. 相对独立地开展研究,完成论文撰写并在高水平期刊上发表;

3. 协调科研项目、编辑中英文学术文稿;

4. 根据加拿大28开奖预测结果官网大神博士后管理规定完成相应考核。


1. 享受加拿大28开奖预测结果官网大神博士后相关福利待遇,详见加拿大28开奖预测结果官网大神博士后招聘启事;

2. 在学校薪酬待遇的基础上,进一步提供有竞争力的薪酬待遇。具体待遇根据加拿大28开奖预测结果官网大神博士后管理规定、面试评估结果及科研能力决定,业绩优秀者课题组额外发放科研奖励。




Postdoctoral recruitment

Dr. Yupei Zhao is seeking applications for postdoctoral researcher with backgrounds in media and communications, and has published articles in High-level academic journals.

Biography of Dr. Yupei Zhao

Prof. Yupei Zhao (PhD in University of Leicester, UK) is an “Hundred Talent Program Young Professor” and doctorial tutor in college of Media and International Culture in Zhejiang University.  She has a PhD and MA in University of Leicester (UK) since 2010 to 2016.  She is chair-elected of International Communication Association Popular Media and Culture Division, director of joinly Cultural Creativity of Metaverse Industry Research Center in College of Media and International Culture and International Business School at Zhejiang University, Co-chair of APRU game and eSports research working group, Vice dean of Chinese Society for Science and Technology Jounalism in Game and eSports Communication Research Professionals.  Co-founder of UK-China Media and Communication Association.

Her research interests widely, being meticulous and systematic in terms of methods, and bold and precise in her synthesis and explication of complex ideas, aims to focus on examining digital culture and platformalization, global communication, media culture and industry.  Particurly, she pays more attentions to eSports culture and industry, digital human and its related emerging technologies (e.g., VR/AR/MR), application scenarios (e.g., virtual live-streamer, virtual idol and virtual staff) and culture, digital music and culture, virtual celebrities/fandom culture.  She interested in externaly developed her global communication research from China to countries in Asia, Middle East, and Latin America etc.  Thus far, she is PI for twelve research funding projects, and her research has appeared in International Journal of Cultural Studies, Journal of Cultural Economy, International Journal of Communication, Social Science Quarterly, Sage Open, Social media + Society, Media International Australia, popular music and society etc.  She got “The Best Paper” Paper Award in both 2020 AND 2019 International Communication Association Popular Media and Culture Division, and 2019 European Association for Sport Management.

Email: yupeizhao1209@zju.edu.cn

Related links

△ Profile of Dr. Yupei Zhao:


△ Information about Postdocs:


△  Funding for Postdocs:


△ ICA Popular Media and Culture Division:



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