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Prof. Qunhui Xu Awarded in the Fifth Asian Micro Film Festival

Editor:cjsoft Author: cjsoft Date:2018-06-28 18:58:56 Hits:508

Screenplay The Tragedy of Red Dance Shoes written by Prof. XQunhui Xu from College of Media and International Culture of Zhejiang University got the Fifth Asian Micro Film Festival “Gold Apple Award”.


About Qunhui Xu:

Qun-hui Xu is an Associate professor and doctor tutor in the Research Institute of Film and TV Arts, Zhejiang University. His main academic achievement include: Discovered the ectopic animation industry mode in the first at, depending on the undertaking of the national arts science planed project as well as provincial social science planed project, which improved and renew the intrinsic animation industry mode soon, and which especially turned out to be the right way to national animation industry practice in the financial crisis. His academic fruit of animation industry research was first adopted by A&HCI. In April 2010, he won the award of the Outstanding Post-Doctor of Zhejiang Province by the People’s Government of Zhejiang Province.

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