Communication and the Public had published an issue with the topic "On the Social Construction of Geomedia Technologies”.
Geomedia technologies represent an advanced set of digital media devices, hardware, and software. Previous research indicates that these place contingent technologies are currently gaining significant social relevance, and contribute to the shaping of contemporary public lives and spaces. However, research has yet to empirically examine how, and for whom, geomedia technologies are made relevant, as well as the role of these technologies in wider processes of social and spatial (re-)production. This special issue contributes valuable knowledge to existing research in the realm of communication geography, by viewing the current “geomediascape” through the lens of social constructivist perspectives, and by interrogating the reciprocal shaping of technology, the social, and space/place. Scrutinizing the social construction of geomedia technologies in various empirical contexts and in relation to different social groups, the essays deal with important questions of power and control, and ultimately challenge the notion of (geo)mediatization as a neutral process.
Communication and the Public is an international peer-reviewed journal that publishes both theoretical and empirical research articles in the intersections of communication and the public broadly defined. It welcomes research in these areas from and about any parts of the world, especially the parts of the world where the experiences have been under-considered in the extant social and cultural theories or in communication studies. It publishes quality works in both social scientific and humanistic traditions.
The regular features of the journal include research articles, theoretical essays, forum and symposium, and book reviews. To better reflect the multi-disciplinary thematic focus, the journal will publish frequent special issues. Proposals for special issues from any social scientific or humanistic disciplines are welcome.
We invite you to read the following articles from this issue that was published in June 2019.
Introduction: On the social construction of geomedia technologies—Karin Fast, Emilia Ljungberg, Lotta Braunerhielm
Constructing the check-in: Reflections on photo-taking among Foursquare users—Rowan Wilken, Lee Humphreys
Simultaneous localization and mapping and the situativeness of a new generation of geomedia technologies—Max Kanderske, Tristan Thielmann
Social shaping of mobile geomedia services: An analysis of Yelp and Foursquare—Jordan Frith and Rowan Wilken
One map to rule them all? Google Maps as digital technical object—Scott McQuire
The mutual shaping of geomedia and gentrification: The case of alternative tourism apps—André Jansson
Book reviews for extensive reading:
Custodians of the Internet: Platforms, content moderation, and the hidden decisions that shape social media—Tarleton Gillespie, reviewed by Chloé Nurik
Faked in China: Nation branding, counterfeit culture, and globalization—Fan Yang, reviewed by Marcella Szablewicz
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